Or... I could've put the monster in a jar and taken him to the garden. If I only had a garden...and a jar. I guess what I was more concerned about was keeping them out of my house for good. Sure, they eat bedbugs, termites and roaches. But who wants to make that trade? I'd rather just have no bugs and leave it at that. And therein lies the paradox.
You have to get rid of their food source to get rid of them. And what is their food source? Why other bugs of course. When there are no bugs to eat, the centipedes are forced to flee your home to find eats. Some other things that don't involve pest control per se that I'm probably going to have to do to ensure these things stay outside where they belong are as follows:
- Screens in the basement drain windows
- Filling cement cracks.
- Cutting back the overgrown foliage around the house
- Put our a little boric acid around the perimeter